On: Sunday, August 09, 2009

Just a couple things, folks and followers!

In case you haven't noticed yet, this blog is no longer at! My dumbass neglected my hotmail account for such a long time that I failed to receive any of the notifications that sent me about renewing my domain name. [[ Nice one right? ]] So for now its back to the original Blogspot domain until I decide to either buy again or come up with a new name. [[ I am super indecisive about these things ]] If you want to help me pick out a new name for the site LET ME KNOW! I would LOVE the new name to be picked by one of my readers! If not then the current name that I have chosen for it will remain, The GenO Documents. [[ Thanks Jaimie ]] However I am still taking suggestions and I will remain taking suggestions until I have bought the new domain.

If you wanna help a brotha out then you can either...
A. Leave the name suggestion in a comment, or
B. Email it to me at [[ emails will come straight to my G1 ]]

Those of you that have my digits are more than welcome to TEXT me your suggestions. If you would LIKE my phone number, ask me for it!

One last thing... until I do choose a new domain name for the site, the url is! So adjust your blogrolls and such accordingly lol

118 I am outpiece

2 comments on ""

Bombchell said...

goodluck with the name change, lol sorry i couldnt help

Hyaku Juuhachi said...

Its ok. I like the name. For now anyway.