Cutest Picture Ever

On: Monday, October 08, 2007

I was looking at Roz's blog and look what i found!!! haha
Hmmm…who’s hat is this on my head? Amardo’s. =] Stacey said when she saw me walk into class with this hat on she thought “aw how cute”. Then when she saw the symbols she thought “oh no what did you DO!?” Lmao. Stacey says I’ve officially been branded. How about that…

118 What you know about that

2 comments on "Cutest Picture Ever"

reena said...

Hey there, I did my layout myself. It took me about 6 hours to do it. And I vowed never to do it again. I like your blog....and you are really pretty. Thannks for dropping by....mind if I link u up?

Hyaku Juuhachi said...

The girl in the picture is Ronsonet. Ronsonet is a female. I am a male lol You called me pretty. I think you might be confused but its cool tho and YES link me up please!!!