My birthday was this past week on the 14th... here's a pic of my birthday outfit. The party? Let's just say a lame ass nigga got out of hand so I had to put him in his place [ the floor ]. But alls well that ends well and everybody had a BLAST!!!

A Real-Time Biography of My Life [the site formerly known as]
On: Monday, September 21, 2009
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7 comments on "23"
September 14th is the best birthday, just wanna put that out there. And I'm glad your ass is done with that presentation, I miss my friend. *goes back to IMing you on my G1*
haha you definitely did just IM me. We are getting old =[
Had to put someone in they place huh? So somebody got the beatknocks..well its like they say punks jump up to get beat down
Happy Belated, Thanks for stopping by my spot, come back anytime
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUV! MUAH *birthday licks* (the nice ones though *wink*). at least u got the presentation DONE and outta the way. lol. u dont have to think about it. im sure u did well. luhh ya!
@IntrospectiveGoddess Haha no problem and i'll be back as soon as you post!
@MyLoveMyLife You know you are MY love MY life lol You have been absent from my celly inbox lately! Wassup with that?!
sounds like a party i would have loved to be at.
happy belated bday!!!!!!!
Thanks sweetheart!
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