I guess the only thing I'm really addicted to is my G1. I swear to you its my best friend. I apologized to it the other day for not buying it sooner. I wish I could take a picture of it but the only camera I own belongs to my G1 haha I guess I COULD use the mirror but naw that won't work too well. I COULD post up a picture of what a G1 looks like but I know everybody knows what a damn G1 looks like by now. Will I get the G2/Sapphire when it comes out? Yea. But you know how they say you never get over your first love? Well I think that applies to your first G1 as well... or maybe your first Blackberry or maybe even your first iPhone (yuck!). I know a lot of girls that give their cell phones names... but I ain't a girl so I refuse to do that. But if i WAS to give my G1 a name it would probably be "Geno" (since its a different arrangement of the letters in "G One"). Either that or "Big Dick Gangsta"... you know, either or. (No homo) But like I said, I don't be naming my shit...
But yea, in conclusion, follow me on Twitter goddamit.
Eh... fuck it

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15 comments on "Me & My G1 pt 2 + Twidroid"
Yea I did it, i put you on to that twidroid ish. I love my G1 too. It never leaves my hand lol
I'm not even using it right now... its right next to me and i STILL miss it lol
i loooove twitter! && ur right when u twitter off a pc all the time is kinda lame....lol i have the ap for my blackberry! && i hate it when ppl tweet a bit too much ugh. anyway im not that slow.. lmao jus a blonde moment
Cool what app you got? I know some people that got a Blackberry usually got UberTwitter or Twitterberry... or some shit like that.
But yea if I'm not following your blog yet Ima get on that right now... think I already am tho
i have a G1 too lol nice blog
Foreal? That's wassup! How you liking that Cupcake update?
YAAAAYY fellow G1 owner! lol. i new we had so much more in common. i have the white one. man..i thought i was the only one that drooled over this phone the way i do. but my daughter dropped it in watermelon juice and now the "w" "e" and the "r" does work. and u never know how IMPORTANT those letters are til u dont have them. they are in like EVERY fuckin word. i mean, i KNEW "e" was important but not "w" and "r". lmaooo. ok, now im babbleing. but i said all that to say i SOOOO TOTALLY get your obsession with your G1 and the twitter app. lol. follow me too http://twitter.com/sosoul i will DEFF follow you
there! now you have 11 followers =)
lol...gotta support my fellow chitown buddy riight?
@MyLoveMyLife Girl where in the FUCK have you been!!! You know you use to never miss any one of my posts lol Hows that cute ass baby of yours???
But yea I got the black G1 and its my second girlfriend real talk lmao And I JUST followed you on Twitter so hit me up... like the post says, I'm on my Twitter shit I STAY on that bitch lmao
@Lipstick_Cherry Now THAT'S wassup! Chicago is where its at Southside Northside Eastside Westside it don't matter cuz we ALL end up at the Taste of Chicago in July haha You goin? We should check it out together homie
Ah we have the same phone and use the same app! I'm mad they're putting out a new phone already though cause I love this one and the G2 doesn't have a keypad :( but I will prob get that one too and (hopefully) love it lol
I know and I saw the new one and I am NOT impressed by how it LOOKS... I think the G1 looks a lot better than the G2/Sapphire. I'm sure the G2 will be cool tho and yea Ima get it too but that's just cuz I'm on T-Mobile and you always gotta have the best so... lol
I'm a BB Storm kinda girl.... The G1 is a very sexy phone....
You know what I was obssessed wit the Blackberry Storm... I can't remember if I mentioned that in the post or not but yea the Storm was my dream phone cuz its 1st of all a Blackberry and 2nd cuz its a touchscreen! The only turn off I had was the whole concept of the screen being a huge button... other than that I think the Storm is the shit and yea its sexy as fuck too
you and Jaimie need to switch to blackberry so we can all chat on BBM!!!
@Bombchell As much as I love Blackberry phones Ima have to stick with the best of THE BEST and that's the G1 lol I dont even know if T-Mobile has BBs they probably do but Im too lazy to go check haha
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