"Three Championship Rings"
"Most Valuable Puppet"
Which one is your favorite? Holla!
118 That was Mrs. Lewis from downstairs... she said you ain't got no defense!!!
A Real-Time Biography of My Life [the site formerly known as One-Eighteen.com]
On: Thursday, May 28, 2009
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5 comments on "Lebron & Kobe Puppet Commercials"
Ive been hearing about these commercials!! I need to come back and watch it after cleaning
Wassup! You came up in one of me and Jaimie's convos today
I saw em too!
and laughed hard as hell.
Whoever came out wit that ad campaign for Nike is prolly making A LOT of money right now
omg these annoying ass commercials!
lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron! lebron!
kay maybe it wasnt that many times but that kid is so annyoing lol
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