Random Rhyme

On: Thursday, May 22, 2008

I had a really long day today and i needed something to make it better. So i walk into the kitchen and open up the refridgerator, and what do i see??? A tallboy of Monster Energy!!! <-- I wasn't TRYING to rhyme.

I texted Demiera and this is EXACTLY what i said in the text (and yes i knew i was rhyming lol):

I go to my fridge and open the door, not knowing at all what the fridge had in store. The fridge said, "Amardo you have had a long day getting your name on the roster, so let me treat you to a nice ice cold Monster." Not gonna lie, that's just what i needed because i took one sip and my frustrations receded. But since i just ate i'll probably knock out but i promise first thing tomorrow i'm taking you out!

118 True story!!!

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