Yesterday and Last Night

On: Sunday, September 09, 2007

I am in a REAL bad mood right now. The Bears lost the season opener today and NIU lost yesterday. So ima just give a real brief summary of what happened yesterday. First of all, SIU came back to beat NIU in the Fourth Quarter. This should have never happened. NIU is stupid as fuck. More precisely, NIUs defense is stupid as fuck. Even more precise, NIUs secondary is stupid as fuck!!! You know a team playing catch up is going to pass every fucking down!!! Why would you press up front??? Idiot ass coaches.

Second, after the game me, Mike, and Gerardo went to Gerardo's apartment to watch UFC. That was probably the only good part about yesterday, even tho i was hoping that Rampage would have knocked Henderson out; it would have made me feel better. Its cool tho cuz Rampage is still the champ.

Third, after that we came back to the house and Nelson and the guys were starting a bonfire in front of the house. Everything was super chill, we had girls over just kickin it with us and there was a party next door at Sigma Nu's. Girls would rather kick it with us than go party with them lol Thats funny. And we didnt have any beer. After that, all hell broke loose. Joey's ex-girlfriend was partying at SigNu's and she was wasted. She came over to talk to Andrew (attempting to get Joey mad) and she slipped off Andrew's OhDee dogtag and put it on herself. YOU DONT DO THAT!!! Unless youre an OhDee sweetie but this was just some hoe. Andrew tried getting it back but when he realized how drunk she was he just backed off figuring Joey would get it back for him in the morning. Joey went to talk to her about the dogtag and how its against the rules to do that and the SigNu's with her wouldnt let her go with him to talk. Joey came back kind of ticked off. Minutes later he comes up to me, hands me his drink and says, "be ready to fight." I'm thinkin, "Damn!!! I just opened up a can of beer now he wants me to be ready to open up a can of something else!!!" lol Its whatever you know i didnt care cuz i was in a fighting mood anyway. But i wasnt gonna wait and watch the fight start so i put his drink down and followed him over to the SigNu's house. They see us coming and they kind of brace themselves for something. Joey goes in between everybody and tells the girl to come talk to him. She says ok but the guys she's wit say no you cant go with him. I go, who the fuck are you her daddy??? Joey takes her and they start walking and the dudes follow Joey and thats when i got in between them and Joey and i told them, i swear to god you dont want to come any closer. They stop walking but keep on arguing with me and some of my brothers see whats going on and come over. One of the whiteboys says, dude seriously she's my best friend i cant let her go with him shes drunk right now shes going to make a mistake. And i go, first of all if youre her best friend then you would know that THAT GUY is her ex-boyfriend so obviously you must not be too good of friends wit her. He goes, you dont know what youre talking about so fuck you. Before i could even say anything Miguel jumped in and got in his face and he goes, what did you just say??? You cant talk to my brother like that. Who the fuck do you think you are you little shit!!! Haha whiteboy panicked and didnt say nothing else. I move Miguel out the way and get in dudes face and i go, you must be crazy to come over here to MY HOUSE talkin shit runnin your mouth reckless do you know who in the fuck youre fuckin wit!!! Right then Scalla (he's a Sammy [sigma alpha mu]) comes in and starts talking shit to all of them lol Scalla isnt even my frat brother lol After they see how impossible it is to win a fight against us they back off and go get their president. Their president comes out and talks to Nelson and it takes about a half hour but things eventually calm down. However the SigNu's kept mean mugging me the whole night lol Everybody noticed it but Nelson told us to just leave it alone and be the bigger people. haha Scalla came up to me and was like, not only would you guys win in a rumble against them but there's 40 more guys over there (Sammys is across the street) that im in command of so i mean really they would have to have a deathwish to try n start something with you guys lol Sammys always have our back just we got theirs, Sigma Alpha Mu and Omega Delta go back a long time. Sammys used to live where the SigNu's live now. So yea pretty annoying night.

And then today, the Bears lost. Need i say anything more???

118 how much longer til this day is over

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